Habasit凭借其创新的Super HyCLEAN模块化皮带获得了2021年国际食品技术银奖。食品技术奖旨在表彰在创新、可持续性和效率方面的开创性发展,每三年在Anuga FoodTec贸易博览会期间颁发一次。今年的20个获奖项目在2月23日的数字仪式上得到了庆祝。
With salt, sugar, flour, and spices used in abundance, the environment in the bakery, biscuit and pasta industry can be very abrasive. Over time, the quality of the belt surface can suffer due to abrasion by hard particles. Mechanical cleaning processes with metal scrapers or hard plastic can also generate grooves or superficial cracks offering fertile ground for mold or bacterial proliferation. Our belt surfaces feature abrasion resistant materials suitable for all types of applications, which also lengthen belt lifetimes.
" data-tags="Abrasion resistance" data-email="">Our belting solutions, are designed for maximum reliability in terms of abrasion resistance, easy cleaning, and durability. Their materials and designs prevent bacterial contamination, keeping your products, and your reputation, safe.
" data-tags="Low risk of contamination and cross-contamination" data-email="">主打产品