A complete menu of food conveyor and processing belts

The food industry includes many different sub-industries, and production and processing steps. Food companies face numerous challenges, not least very high safety standards, plus oily, fatty and wet conditions at different temperatures. Conveying and processing belts are indispensable. Fortunately, Habasit has the right belting solution to meet your requirements.
Our food belts offer excellent release properties even for very sticky foodstuffs, wear- and abrasion resistant coatings, and sophisticated chemical resistance to cope with common cleaning agents and food ingredients. The belts deliver outstanding performance and a superior service life. Habasit solutions are suitable for direct food contact and comply with applicable food regulations.

Meet the highestfood safetystandards

Food Belts

Habasit Food Belts
meet all relevant requirements
for food contact materials


Browse the wide selection of Habasit belts, accessories and conveyor components


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Helping Customers have a food-safe Thanksgiving

Consumers rely on their trusted turkey brands for delicious, food-safe birds. But a lot can go wrong between store and plate, particularly in warm domestic kitchens. Habasit supports food processors with an extensive range of hygienically designed, food-safe conveying solutions for every poultry application.
Customer stories

HabasitLINK SE620 Flush Grid with Stainless-Steel Rods Solves Swelling Issue & Preserves Belt Life

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Moving smarter with Habasit at Package Fulfilment Expo

Habasit brings energy-efficient, low-noise, and dependable belting solutions to Cincinnati for Package Fulfilment, Logistics & Delivery Expo on July 13th and 14th.
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Join us at Anuga FoodTec

From April 26th to 29th discover the premium quality, innovative and hygienic belting solutions that keep your food processing operations in motion.
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Habasit meets EU hygiene requirements for food conveyor belts

All belt material intended to come into contact with food must meet certain EU requirements. Habasit stays informed of all current protocols concerning food conveyor and processing belts.
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我需要FDA statem吗ent or a Declaration of Compliance?

Even before the European rules such as regulation EC 1935/2004 and regulation EU 10/2011 came into force, the FDA regulation already existed in the United States of America. When at that time a conveyor belt complied with FDA rules, people knew it was suitable for the food industry. Thus FDA became a very well-known term in belting and food processing. An FDA-approved conveyor belt was in compliance with all food regulations. Nowadays this is no longer the case.
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When must a conveyor belt be food approved?

I recently heard someone ask if a conveyor belt used for packaged foodstuffs must be food approved. This is a question that often arises, and so in today’s blog, I will try to provide some clarity.
M0870 HighGrip 0.3 News

HabasitLINK M0870 HighGrip 0.3"

Reliable positioning and high grip for tight transfer applications

Visit us at Virtual Drupa

Habasit resolves your challenges in the board corrugating and box making industry. Whether your need is abrasion resistance, long belt lifetime, or efficient assembly that minimizes critical machine downtime, we can find the right solution for your application.
Closeup Cleandrive lug drive News

Habasit Cleandrive Lug Drive is Now Available Nationwide

The most hygienic and reliable food-safe belt for processing.
Customer stories

Uniform belt weight is essential in check weighing application

person carrying cheese wheel
Customer stories

FAB-2E+H15 Belt Improves Microbial Resistance and Reduces Downtime on Wrapping Line


The World in a Can

When it comes to the world of cans, prepare for the unexpected. Whether it is the whole chicken coated in gelatinous gravy squeezed into a 50-oz can, roasted crickets with eggs, bacon with a decade long shelf life or a tin stuffed with an American cheeseburger, there seems to be no end to the culinary creativity of what you can put into a can. Even beverages are not limited to the average soda or beer. In China, you can buy a can of Bird`s Nest drink, a specialty made by dissolving Swiftlets` nests into a liquid which promises to stimulate cell growth and strengthen the immune system.

As Fresh as it is Blue

“I know what goes behind the processing of these fish,” says Habasit’s sales representative in Croatia, “and that’s the reason why I’m buying exclusively Cromaris.”
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Rademaker, specialist in dough processing:

Puff pastry, bread, pizzas, croissants, pies, quiches and local specialties. These and many other bread and pastry-related delicacies are made on production lines developed and manufactured by Rademaker in Culemborg, The Netherlands. For many years, this family company has been working closely with Habasit, benefitting particularly from Habasit’s specialty knowledge of food processing and its international network.