Changing to NAQ-10ELBV yields in 30-40 hours less downtime annually

A glass producer for automotive experienced challenges in the glass pre-cutting unit. This application uses oil to grease the cutting knife that cuts shapes for further car windshield and window manufacturing. At the same time good grip is necessary to keep the glass in place during cutting. In addition to that, the belt exchange is difficult and time-consuming as the machine is very complex.
A replacement belt is needed that is partially resistant to oil and also offers a good grip. The customer furthermore requested product availability and quick service.
Once installed, the NAQ-10ELBV met all the expectations of the customer. The belt exchange time was reduced from 10-12 hours to 2-4 hours due to quick and experienced service. The belt is changed 3-4 times a year. Savings of the recommended belt averages 10 hours per change and has generated better annual production efficiency, resulting in additional 30-40 hours for production.
通过解决这个关键应用服务问题,藻种asit was also able to deliver timing belts and fabric belts for infeed and outfeed conveyors. Lifetime and performance of belts meet customer's expectations.